Action Over Intention
Words matter. I’ve said that a lot publicly over the past 3 years. It is something that is important to me, to be a man of my word, to choose my words wisely and to do what I say. I do my best to let “yes” mean yes and “no” mean no. This sounds obvious or silly to most people, yet people find themselves having to emphasize their words with “I promise” or “I swear” or “I really mean it”, and that is simply because most of the time they don't’ “really mean it”! (laughs as I type this, people are so untruthful). But do you know what matters more than words? Actions.
I had an interview last week with Matt O’Keefe. Matt is a good friend and he is the manager/ agent of Mat Fraser and many more in the sport of CrossFit and beyond. He has paved a way for many others that are aiming to follow in his footsteps and has already branched out to new things as he is now the President of “Loud and Live Entertainment”. When I asked Matt last week, “What is something you live by?”. His response was, “Action over intention.” He said that lots of people talk a great game, lots of people have great ideas, and some people even have pure intentions, but few people actually take action on those things. This resonated with me strongly and I can see how he and his team walk this out in their day in and day out execution.
Are words important to you? Do you stay true to them? If you do, you likely agree with what Matt said above. Action over intention is the most important thing. We can all say many things, but what do we truly do? Who are we truly? Our actions are what dictate those things, not just our words, our plans or our intentions. This week, go and do. Talk less and do more. Act and don’t just hope.