Are you Content?

For those of you that opened and read it, I made an introduction to Tim Farnes this weekend. He is a great friend, an owner in FNX and is leading the “Raise your Vision series” we just started. I share a bit about one of our first interactions together and how it spurred along a change of mindset and thought and even work ethic for me as a man. I want to share that here and explain how it can also be a spark of motivation to us all on this Monday. Read on, and if you read about it this weekend, read it again. 

Tim is a man I met just about 1 year ago, and my life has been drastically different ever since. At the time I had my vision set only on the CrossFit Games (from an athletes perspective), winning them as a team. But the first day I met Tim we had a conversation about FNX, what it would be, how it would grow, how we could change others' lives. I did more talking than listening at that meeting as I was sharing my hearts desires and the vision for my own life with the team. Tim listened and applauded saying it seemed as though I had a great plan and was doing well up until this point and then he spoke the words I’ll never forget, “You seem content.” Like a knife it cut me. No joke, I don’t even think I've brought this up to him or others now but I’ll never forget it. Content? Me? Here I thought I was daring greatly, pursuing big things, but I wasn’t. I knew we could win the CrossFit Games, and while that is great to some, what was to come next? I didn’t really know, but that day when Tim said to me “you seem content,” I have tried hard to never look back. I don’t mean to say that contentment is bad, but it is to me. While I'm living I don’t want anyone to ever say, "Adrian was a content man." I haven't made it to where I currently am by being content. I’ve always had a bigger vision than others, I’ve always wanted more, had higher expectations. Maybe getting married to an amazing woman and having a son, and a real relationship with God made me soft? I don’t know! HAHA. But Tim came into my life at just the right time and I don’t believe in coincidence. 

Let me now ask you something…are you content? Are you sitting still in your life? How about in your marriage? How about in your spiritual life? When we are content, we are saying we are satisfied, we are saying that we feel as though things are as good as they’ll ever get. To me being content is our enemy. Note that I am not saying happiness, I can have little and find happiness and be both on the brink of setting world records and reaching utter failure and still find happiness and joy in my life. BUT any time I’ve felt content, it has led to a lack of focus, lack of urgency, lack of productivity, and eventually set back. We ought not to be content and therefore start to stand still, we should go head first in a forward direction in everything we passionately pursue. It can be your fitness journey, your marriage, your relationship with your children, the God or Spirit you serve…the list goes on and it can happen in any and every way. Contentment leads to complacency and this ultimately leads to regression. Always want more for anything you love and that matters to you, it is the best way to make sure it is being watered and fed in the way to keep it healthy and strong. Have goals, have plans, they lead to action…but first you must always aspire to be more in every way.