Handstand Push-Ups: Week 3
This is week 3 of our Handstand Push-Up progress series!
Today I have one drill specifically that I think can be very very valuable to anyone and everyone who is willing to put it into practice. The main focus is to establish any kind of HS hold against the wall (facing the wall OR away from the wall). The goal is to set a standard on how long you will hold this HS and it is usually going to be based on your personal capacity. You can choose to make it range from :20-2:00 if you have what it takes to make it happen. In general, the drill is around 1:00 long. You simply kick into a HS hold and hold the top position for 1:00, but each :10 interval you execute either 1 strict or 1 kipping HSPU. We are focused on developing time under tension and still be able to have the ability to go from the isometric hold to a concentric contraction! This will increase your pressing stamina even with DB’s and barbell movements! You can change the drill in many ways by adding more intervals to execute the HSPU by doing them every :5 or even every :15 to :20, and it doesn’t have to be only 1 repetition it can be up to as many as you want! Having this chance of variance will allow you to use this drill for any and every member that walks into your gym!
My second drill this week isn’t a drill, it is a program. I’ll be releasing a HSPU progression that will have a focus on “greasing the groove” and practicing them a few days each week. Each drill will be scalable and be usable for people with “0” HSPU and even those who can do 30 unbroken! Keep your eyes out for the program, it will be coming out approximately a week after the CF Games conclude!