Make a Plan or Plan to Fail.
Alright folks, the CrossFit Games are here! First of all if any of you are heading to Madison then come see us! We will have a booth in Vendor Village and have great details all week long on everything from products to clothing and hats! Myself, Skyler, Christian Lucero, Carleen Matthews (when she’s not busy demoing ALL the fitness for Dave Castro), and none other than Nelson The Producer (NTP) will all be around all week. We are going to have a great time and meet and hang with you all that will be present so don’t hesitate to come hang out with us! If you wear one of our FNX shirts or tanks to the CrossFit Games in Madison, WI you’ll get an extra 10% off on top of the awesome deals we’ll be running!
Ok, now on to the regularly scheduled Monday business of motivation. Look, this time of year is motivating to say the least. We get a chance to see the fittest people in the world on the biggest stage there is, do what amazes us all. The big key though is to make this a motivation that lasts. I see all too often, athletes I coach, train with, or just around the world in general get so fired up about training and working out this time of year that they burn out. Watch what happens this weekend, let it challenge, inspire and motivate you but then think about how you will use it to be a better version of you. Most people just start heading to the gym and beating themselves into a pulp, under the assumption that they’ll just train their face off and do all the workouts they can with all the free time they have and they’ll one day make it to the Games. This couldn’t be further from the truth. You can’t just go in the gym and mindlessly beat your body and assume good things will happen. This is an equal error to assuming that you can start your own business and not make a plan around it as to what kind of team you will hire, how you will grow, how you will set yourself a part. This can also happen in the form of a relationship, its like just going out and getting married on a whim without counting the cost of what it means, how you should then live for your spouse and family and what that will look like, what kind of challenges you will have and how you will battle through them, who will help guide your relationship (because we all need help). You get the idea, I’m talking about just assuming that you have what it takes to chase something without assuming the risk, counting the cost and setting up a plan.
Before you go out for any kind of battle you should first decide if it is one you are willing to die to fight. Does it mean everything to you? Will you need to be ALL IN? Just like a general in a war, we must take this kind of conscious planning into anything we do, whether you want to pursue the CF Games, start a business, get married, have children…you must have a plan, or you are planning to fail.
There is no better time than now to step back, seek advice/ council from others, get a coach, start a plan, and ask yourself if you are willing to execute it the way you’ll need to in order to reach your goals. If you don’t know where to start, humble yourself and ask for help. If the answer is “no” I don’t want to do those things, it’s ok! Too many people think they are lazy or bad people if they don’t want to do what it takes, not everything is for everyone, remember that. But, now your job would be to find something that does lead you to follow through and get excited about the actions necessary for success. We all have a passion our job and I’d argue the hardest part is to actually find it!