New Normal, New Essentials


March 2020. What will we think when we look back at that time? Will it seem as though we were living and interacting like neanderthals? Will Covid-19 be the first many new illnesses that force us to live differently amongst each other not just socially but also to make a living? One thing is for sure, we’ve learned a lot through this situation. But more than anything, if you are reading this article then you are ready for it to be done with! We want to get back to work, back to the gym, back to our communities and friends and gatherings and parties. Sure, things may look different, we may execute differently but we know we can create a “new normal”. 


With a “new normal” will come new essentials. For many years in the health and fitness space we promoted daily vitamins and minerals through a multivitamin product as enough to help you thrive for your day. Our multivitamin product specifically designed for men or women, Repair, provides you with the micronutrients you need daily for maximal energy and health. But what we hadn’t considered in the past was the products ability to also fend off incoming infections, diseases and viruses. Over the last 4 months we have been able to design and deliver a product that completes anyone's daily needs for a thriving immune system. The product is called Immune + Complex. It is designed with nature's best ingredients to help our body defend itself against incoming or surrounding viruses and also help reduce the severity of them if they are contracted. Immune + is a capsule delivery system that is filled with immunel, humic fulvic acid, elderberry, and colostrum peptides. These ingredients, in the correct amounts, are what will help us thrive in our new normal and stay healthy as we establish a new way of living. 


If we could summarize a unique dose of health/ immunity based products our Immunity + Complex would be at the top of the list, but it wouldn’t stop there. When it comes to really putting ourselves as far from sick and close to “Fit” as possible then it involves more than just an immunity booster. Below is a list of products we suggest you consider making a part of your new normal on a daily basis. 

  1. Immunity + Complex
  2. Rebalance (Super greens)
  3. Repair (Men's or Women's Multi Vitamin) 
  4. Relax Sleep Aid


Rebalance will provide you with your needs of a full day’s worth of veggies from a raw and organic source of the Unitah Sea Basin here in Utah. Repair, as referred to above, ensures you are getting a complete intake of essential and non essential vitamins and minerals that simply aren’t found in foods as they once were. Due to changes in our farming and mass production we simply lack many essential nutrients our ancestors were getting in higher doses that will help us thrive physically and stay healthy.


Lastly, we all need better sleep. Relax will help you get asleep and stay asleep without making you feel groggy in the morning. Sleep is the single most powerful tool to not just enhance your health and immunity but even your performance. The more you sleep the happier you are, the more lean body mass you produce and the more body fat you burn. 

Utilizing these products on a daily basis is a key practice to consider as we all venture back into the world and explore the “new normal” and what it will look like. No matter what new practices we put into play, we don’t want to be a statistic and we want to stay as far from prescribed medication and hospital beds as possible. As we discover our new normal, discover your new essentials.