1/11 Victory Club Workout

Warm-Up - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EFIjq1f-lls&feature=youtu.be

10 minute flow

20 high knee

20 butt kick

25ft. Pike Crawl

10 Air Squat

10 Lateral Lunge (5 each)


EMOTM (Every Minute On The Minute) x 16

  1. Ring Row max reps
  2. Barbell Good morning x 8
  3. Kipping Hand Stand Push Up
  4. Rest

WOD (Teams of 2 - If alone do half) 


In teams of 2:

Assault Bike 300 cals

In order to rotate each partner must complete 2 rounds of Cindy

5 Pull 

10 Push Up

15 Air Squat

DB Only Version


Same as above

Strength https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_aB5MIy9FTc&feature=youtu.be

EMOTM (Every Minute On The Minute) x 16

  1. HR Push Ups Max Reps
  2. DB Romanian Deadlift x 12
  3. DB Strict Press x 12
  4. Rest.

WOD https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ILT1Fn7xf-Y&feature=youtu.be

In Teams of 2 (If alone, do half)

Complete 3200M Run

200M Relay style

While one partner is running the other is completing

2 Rounds of:

5 Spartan Burpees

10 Push Ups

15 Air Squats



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