Daily Workouts
Warm-Up - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8sLdpx-9B3g&feature=youtu.be 10 minute flow 10 Walking lunge 10 Scorpion 10 Box step up 10 Box jump + step down 10 plate ground to overhead (45/25lb.) Strength - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VSSDzrSm4jo&feature=youtu.be Deadlift complex 4x deadlift to the knee 4x deadlift...
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Warm-Up - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RKoGI4reSY0&feature=youtu.be 12 minute “Flow” Cal Row x 10 HandStand hold x :20 Inch worm x 5 Sit Up x 10 Box Jump x 5 Strength - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aDA4Lqoawuc&feature=youtu.be E:4:00 x 4 Bench Press max reps M: @205, 185, 135,...
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Cardio -
Run 25-40 minutes
Row 25-40 minutes
Ski 25-40 minutes
Bike 25-40 minutes
Walk 35-55 minutes outside
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Warm-Up - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I6j801aITwo&feature=youtu.be Jumping jack x 12 Walking Lunge x 12 Ground to Overhead x 12 (plate) Hollow Rock x 12 Strength - EMOTM x 10 3x TNG Power Cleans into 3x Push jerk *build as you go* WOD -...
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Warm-Up - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yTXG_v0uU6Q&feature=youtu.be 15:00 Flow 15 minute flow 20 Walking Lunge 10 Scap Push Up 20 Stationary High Knee’s 10 Scap Pull Up 10 Turkish Get up (5 Each arm) Strength - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qJzk_p-2x8w&feature=youtu.be Overhead Squat Every 2:00 x 5 execute:...
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