3/10 Victory Club Workout

Warm-Up -


Jumping jack x 12

Walking Lunge x 12

Ground to Overhead x 12 (plate)

Hollow Rock x 12

Strength -

EMOTM x 10

3x TNG Power Cleans into 3x Push jerk

*build as you go*



18 minute AMRAP

Lunge ball x 12

GHD Sit up x 12

HS Walk x 50 ft. 

Box Jump over x 12 (30/24in.)

Ski 12 cals

Rest :30

**If no ski erg, sub rower*

Finisher -

3x 21’s

Bottom to half way up barbell curl x 7

Half way to top barbell curl x 7

Full barbell curl x 7

Rest 1:00

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