1/16 Victory Club Workout
Warm-Up - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M2Om1tpUIJ8&feature=youtu.be
10 minute flow
5 banded or PVC Passthrough
10 Scap Push Up
10 Scape Pull Up
10 Hollow Rock
5 Air Squat
5 Over head squat
5 Over head Squat jump
Strength - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O5r8WuXOgEE&feature=youtu.be
EMOTM (Every Minute On The Minute) x 12
20 double Unders +
1 Power Clean and Power Jerk
Start around 70% 1rm Power clean and build as you can!
Every 2:00 x 8
Bench Press x 6
AHAP (start heavy and stay heavy)
WOD - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ULesNJUAoRk&feature=youtu.be
8 minute AMRAP (As Many Rounds As Possible)
4 Strict Chin Up
8 Push Up
Warm-Up - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=esXa8rvgl9s&feature=youtu.be
10 Minute Flow
10 Scorpion stretch
10 Scap push ups
10 hollow rocks
5 Air squats
5 light DB Over head squats
Each arm
Strength - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WLZ65cwO1YM&feature=youtu.be
EMOTM (Every Minute On The Minute) x 12
20 lateral jumps over DB +
2 DB Power Clean and Jerks (each arm. 4 total. Build in weight as you see fit)
Every 2:00 x 8
DB Bench Press x 6
AHAP (Start Heavy and stay heavy)
WOD - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lggoGWNzApQ&feature=youtu.be
8 Minute AMRAP
8 Slow bicep curls
8 push ups
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