1/9 Victory Club Workout
Warm-Up: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XN4PhPkBsaU&feature=youtu.be
7 minute flow
3 burpee
6 backwards lunge
6 scap push up
6 scap pull up
9 leg swings right
9 leg swings left
Every 2 min x 10
10 Bar facing Burpee
4 Squat Snatch
**Treat these as singles not touch and go reps**
Start @60% 1rm Snatch and build as you see fit.
Every:2:00 x 8
Bench Press x 8
AHAP (start heavy and stay heavy)
6 minute amrap
8 Ring Row
8 Jack Knife
DB Only Version:
Same as above
Strength -
Every 2:00 x 10
DB Facing burpee x 10
DB Overhead Squats x 12
(6 Right, 6 Left) Start 50/35 and build as you see fit.
Every 2:00 x 8
DB Bench Press x 8 AHAP
(Start heavy and stay heavy)
*If one DB, 8 right then 8 left*
6 Minute AMRAP
8 DB rows (each arm)
8 Jack Knife
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