2/1 Victory Club Workout

Warm-Up - 


15 minute flow

6 Turkish Get up

6 Ring Row

12 Lateral Box step up and over

18 single unders each leg (jump rope)

Strength - 


EMOTM x 12

First 4 minutes are for 3 reps

Next 4 minutes are 2 reps

Last 4 minutes are 1 rep!

Start at 70% and build as you see fit! Establish a heavy single  for the day.

WOD - 


In teams of 2: Complete work however you see fit! (If 1 person, do half) 

200 Wall ball

150 Toe to Bar

100 HSPU

For time.

DB ONLY Version

Warm-Up - 


15 Minute Flow

6 DB Turkish Get ups

8 Dble DB Rows

14 walking Lunges

20 hops over DB

Strength - 


EMOTM x 12 DB Load Jumps

Min 1-4 3 DB Load Jumps

Min 5-8 2 DB Load Jump

Min 9-12 1 DB load jumps

DB at your side load down into a jumping position and jump as high as possible.

Establish Heavy 1 for the day.

WOD - 


In Teams of 2: Complete work however you see fit! (If 1 person, do half) 

200 Single Arm DB Thruster (50/35)

150 Ab Mat sit up

100 DB Push Press

For Time.

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