3/5 Victory Club Workout
Warm-Up -
12 minute
AMRAP “Flow”
Spartan Burpee x 10
Cossack Slide x 10
Sit Up x 10
Ring Row x 10
Superman x 10
Strength -
E:4:00 x 3
Bench Press max reps
M: @185, 135, 95lb.
W: @115, 85, 55lb.
**perform each set to failure, rest the remainder of the 4:00 before starting next set.
Scale your weights so you can get at least 6 reps on the heaviest.
20 minute AMRAP
Spartan Burpee x 20
Double Under x 30
Wall Ball x 20 (20/14lb.)
Double Under x 30
Row (cals) x 20
Double Under x 30
T2B x 20
Double Under x 30
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