Victory Club 1/6 Workout

Warm-Up -

10 minute 

AMRAP “Flow”

Spartan Burpee x 10

Cossack Slide x 10

Sit Up x 10

Superman x 10

Strength -

EMOTM (Every Minute On The Minute) - 12 rounds

Odd: Bike 12/9 cals

Even: Power Snatch x 4 Touch and Go reps (start at 60% 1rm)

WOD: Metcon -



Hang Snatch

Overhead Squat

1,1,1,2,2,2,3,3,3,4,4,4,5,5,5 etc….

10 minute AMRAP (As Many Rounds As Possible)


Alternate Jack Knife x 20

Floor seated Barbell Strict Press x 10

6 minute AMRAP (As Many Rounds As Possible)

DB Only Version


Same as above


EMOTM (Every Minute On The Minute) - 12 rounds

Odd: 200M Run

Even: 12 Alternating  DB Snatch (50/35)

WOD: Metcon


DB Deadlift

Hang DB Snatch

DB Overhead Squat

Right Arm 1,1,1 Left Arm 1,1,1

Right Arm 2,2,2 Left Arm 2,2,2


10 Min AMRAP (As Many Rounds As Possible)


4 Rounds

Alternate Jack Knife x 20

Floor seated DB Strict press x 10

1 comment

  • Teresa

    Reading the workout & watching the videos i noticed they do not match. strength shows power snatch but video shows power clean. Metcon also shows a complex but video has hspu, hang clean, bar facing burpees, and lateral jump overs. Little confused can you please clarify for me. Thank you!

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