
Summer is hot! Here in Salt Lake it is 93 today and due to my life demands I train at 12pm. Yes, that’s crazy but also it’s when my children nap and I can get a break from work. If you are a parent and you are reading this, especially one working from home right now, then you get it! Also, if you follow me on Instagram @adrianconway_ then you also know I sweat like I’m sitting on a pile of coals. High temperature plus naturally already being a heavy sweater can lead to muscle cramps, overheating, chronic fatigue, lower training intensity and ultimately less results. Luckily I have a secret weapon that I take every day which allows me to combat the loss of water, sodium, and electrolytes.
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The supplement industry has been under scrutiny for much of its existence and with good reason. Products must undergo testing and see adequate results in order for them to be trusted. Not only do products need to be trusted on the safety side but just as importantly we need to know if they are going to give us the results we seek! There is one product which has stood the test of time and endless tests and that is caffeine.
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Mornings are an important time for most of us. It is a time of productivity, critical thinking, problem solving and execution. If you have children, like me, then it’s even more critical. I have to establish the patience and mental clarity to show them some attention and love but also be on my way to work or prepping breakfast for them before I hit the office in the basement. The point of my candor and the commonality we all share is that we often wake up, and the day is going 100 miles per hour before we’ve even taken a deep breath. This leaves very little time for us to fend for ourselves when it comes to breakfast as a meal or prepping our favorite kind of coffee (for both enjoyment or even just pure energy). But wait, we haven’t fed our bodies in over 10-12 hours and could use some nourishment, especially protein. All these things considered are exactly why we designed Restart, our unique morning protein.
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Intensity or Frequency? Which approach of training in the weight room will give you the best results? That is a question that many people ask themselves all the time. Let’s have a brief look at the differences in these approaches and how they are applied through workouts. After that I’ll simply let you be the judge on what you think may work best for you.
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How do you track your fitness? If you ask most people it is simply by the number that they see on the scale. This is simply how we’ve been conditioned to not just track our physical health and fitness but even our self worth. The ladder part makes me cringe extra hard, but it is true. Think back to growing up in general, most of us had parents who owned a scale and they visited it frequently making sure they didn’t get too heavy. Or your parents likely owned a scale and they NEVER got on it in fear it would tell them something they didn’t want to see! A disclaimer here folks, if you don’t get on the scale your weight is still the same. But the number on the scale reflects nothing, it’s simply one data point that could literally tell us nothing. 

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