
Ever heard these two words put together in an attractive way? Nope, didn’t think so. That is because they call for us to act in a way that leads to discomfort. What is even more discouraging is that they are necessary in every successful and happy relationship we will ever have in our lives! On both ends of any successful relationship there must live both of these things.
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Life is all about homeostasis. To be exact: the tendency toward a relatively stable equilibrium between interdependent elements, especially as maintained by physiological processes. Truly, that is the body's most basic responsibility; to create balance across energy systems and molecular...
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Weight loss is a touchy subject. People often get offended when you make suggestions on what works or what doesn’t. I’m not shying away from that today, so if you are easily offended then please, help yourself and read on. I’m not talking about the nuisances that exist within the fitness industry and the outlier strategies that are often used as “click bait” or used to sell products. Today I’m just going to talk about the truth. 
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We just added a new product to our Rebuild category! Introducing Rebuild Glutamine. Many of you have likely heard about glutamine or even already asked me about why we don’t have one to offer. Well, it’s here and we wanted to have one for Team FNX because of the demand for it. We understand that most of our athletes and ambassadors who take “making gains” and “recovering” seriously have been asking for this product for a while because you were having to head elsewhere to buy it. We wanted to remove another obstacle for you in reaching your goals and make sure you can get all you need from a trusted source. But, I also understand that some of you reading this article, especially you who may be new to training and supplements in general may not understand the craze or necessity for glutamine as a product so I want to explain a bit about it. 

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What is a “drop set”? This is an approach to training that can be utilized with any movement you can dream up. The idea is to stimulate “overload” to the muscle or muscle groups in order to create hypertrophy or local muscle endurance. The reason this is such an amazing form of training is because it works! Think about it, you often load the bar or machine with just the right amount of weight to achieve a specific amount of work. The most common ways people train, even to this day, are 3 sets of 12-15 reps in a globo gym setting. When you finish a specific movement you’ve then executed somewhere between 36-45 working reps. That type of training has some benefits of course, but we can’t cling to what we know or what we’ve previously done too tightly and expect continual improvement.
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