
Adversity.  This word sums up what 2020 was personally and also as a society. We have all faced setbacks, losses, new insecurities, personal and family health scares and uncertainty. Even as we lead into 2021 we know that the date...
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Midway through Rise 45, I realized how limited my experiences have been with building good habits. Sure, I have some. But it’s never been intentional. Not like this. I’ve never developed a good habit by labeling something a good habit before actually doing it. Honestly, even as I’m writing this, it’s striking me how NO ONE HAS EVER TAUGHT ME HOW TO BUILD A HABIT. Are there books on this? Does Gary V or Tony Robbins have a vlog series on good habits? I’ve spent the majority of my life with a distinct disadvantage. What. The. Heck.

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In Rise45 we put quantifiable markers to sleep, exercise, daily nutrition, hydration, mindfulness practices and supplementation so they can be tracked. We’ve even put a point range for each category. The idea here is to allow you to meet yourself where you are at. The program isn’t an all or none where you may earn 45 points (max points) one day and then a big “fail” or “0 points the next for not being 100% compliant. You may fall short in one category and crush another. The desire is to recognize the value in being better more consistently and it showing through the data that we track throughout the 45 days. We want you to desire more sleep, have more consistent and better training/exercise (training comes with the program), drink enough water, eat real food that takes you closer to your personal goals, take personal time to grow mentally/ spiritually, and supplement to meet the needs your diet may fall short. 
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Today this blog post isn’t about our products or a new flavor or a new cutting idea we have. This post is about love for another human and living outside of yourself. If that isn’t for you, I understand but certainly hope for better, please continue to read. 
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Hard gainers, your dream has come true! What is a hard gainer? Well if you don’t know what one is then you are probably not one, but by chance you’ve just been living under a rock I’ll define it for you. A hard gainer is someone with a high metabolism, someone struggling to gain lean body mass and even body fat at times in the quest to do just that. You see, surprisingly not everyone can just pack on a few pounds by accident or even on purpose for that matter. If you find yourself in this category or even in a place where your goal is to optimize your performance, recovery and ability to pack on lean body mass, I have some amazing news for you. You can revive your gains or begin your journey to achieving gains with our natural testosterone booster Revive. 
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