
As a society we are fixated on the ability to see someone’s abs! Why? Naturally we have to assume that for one's abdominal muscles to be visible it means they are mobile, healthy and strong. This isn’t true 100% of the time, but that seems to be a general commonality. Why does it seem to be such an evasive accomplishment to many? Is it truly healthy? Is it sustainable all year round? Is it more about your exercise or your nutrition? Let’s talk about this “unicorn” in the room, shall we?
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I’m back on the gains train! Well, technically I’ve shed some body fat but I am stronger and in some of the best metabolic conditioning shape I’ve been in 2 years! So, there are gains, just not necessarily in body weight. What’s the secret? Well, I have started back on my Revive.
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It’s been a challenging 2 weeks for me. A lot of self reflection. A lot of disappointment. A lot of hard conversations (which I’m grateful for). A lot of reading, researching, learning, and growing. What has occurred over the past few weeks has allowed me to see even as a black man in America I had been “asleep at the wheel”. I was personally only concerned with me, my immediate family and friends, those close to me. I wasn’t learning or doing anything for others, specifically in the matters of police brutality, incarceration, injustice to minorities. The more I learn and see clearly, the more I realize these are things that should have been on my mind and heart all along. For that, I have some thoughts to share.
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Our bodies are designed and meant to move and be used. The more convenient our lives become through technology the less and less we connect our bodies to the earth, to nature and to movement that requires us to run, jump, fight, play, climb, crawl, hike, and even walk. These are all essential patterns we should seek daily, weekly, yearly and throughout our lifetime. Yet, we find ourselves leading almost a completely sedentary lifestyle after we age out of mandatory physical education classes unless you are an athlete in high school or college. I know, I know, many of you reading this blog are saying “But Adrian, I love to workout, that is why I use FNX products and even why I’m an ambassador.” But what if I told you that still isn’t enough?
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Someone once asked me this for real. It was a random fitness interview one of the years I was blessed enough to be going to the CrossFit Games. The question was, “If you could only do 1 exercise for the rest of your life to stay in top shape, what would you choose?”. It actually didn’t take me much time to answer this question. Immediately my mind went to the checklist I think about when selecting exercises in general. What can I do with weight? What movement makes a large load travel a long distance and quickly? And what also can create some cardiovascular gains if I did it in high volume and not just for maximal loading? The answer I came to was the Thruster. I know, awful.
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