I have personally grown up playing team sports my whole life. I love them. To me there is something magical about combining a diverse group of people and creating the ability to chase or embody a common purpose. The more like minded and selfless the members of the team, the greater the success I’ve had in my experiences. Team sports have always been more impactful on my life and in memories vs. individual sports because of the ability to have shared experiences with others. The ability to recall a time, place, game, training session, meal, whatever it is, with someone else is powerful and also unifying. As I think back to times of either great victory or terrible strife I also think about those who were with me in those moments fighting, working, pushing, helping, striving for the win and never giving up no matter what. Not everyone has these memories as we didn’t all grow up playing team sports and for some of us that did maybe those memories aren’t that fond. Not everyone has had great coaches or great teammates as peers. All of this is why we have Team FNX. This is why we have the chance to invite people to be a part of something bigger than just themselves and be an ambassador for our cause.