
What drives me? Where is it taking me? Where am I going? Have you asked yourself these questions in a while? These are questions I often ask myself to “check in” on my life. Let me explain a bit. It is a very common thing to hear people talk about the necessity of “finding your why”. Your “Why”, is the purpose of your actions. It can be a source of motivation or inspiration but essentially it is what drives you. What people fail to communicate clearly when talking about this “Why” is that it’s actually a very fluid thing. Your “Why” may not be the same tomorrow as it is today, is that ok? Absolutely. Not only is it ok, but it’s expected to change that way. 
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March 2020. What will we think when we look back at that time? Will it seem as though we were living and interacting like neanderthals? Will Covid-19 be the first many new illnesses that force us to live differently amongst each other not just socially but also to make a living? One thing is for sure, we’ve learned a lot through this situation. But more than anything, if you are reading this article then you are ready for it to be done with! We want to get back to work, back to the gym, back to our communities and friends and gatherings and parties. Sure, things may look different, we may execute differently but we know we can create a “new normal”.
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Consistency wins. Have you ever heard that expression? It’s true in anything that you choose to pursue. Right now, particularly in fitness training, we are excited about the results that “intensity” provides. Due to this excitement people chase the heaviest lifts, the most “pukey” looking conditioning or the hardest challenge they can find for the gym that day. And with good reason! Intensity provides the greatest return on our efforts when it comes to “bang for the buck”. If you train with proper intensity you can spend less time in the gym, less days a week and still get better results than someone in there that is practically standing around and socializing with their time. The downside is that if you aren’t familiar with the best training strategy or you don't have a personal coach then you can end up on the wrong side of intensity and wind up hurt or even burnt out from your training efforts.
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I don’t know who needs to hear this but, you should likely run more. Wait, I know what you are thinking. Running is boring, it can be lonely, and honestly it is uncomfortable. All those things can absolutely be true and to add to that, most people hurt or injure themselves while running. So, why would I suggest it? Because it is a hard thing to do and it is a hard practice that involves focus and discipline to do correctly. With that said, I’m a big fan, I like hard things and you should too. Well, only of course if your growth mindset is focused and interested in being successful at things you choose to pursue.
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For the last 3 years the word “Ketosis” has thrived in any search engine. If you have been curious about losing weight or leaning out in any way then you’ve been exposed to this word or looked it up yourself. Ketosis became a popular term from the Ketogenic diet, which is a diet balanced primarily around protein and fat and with very little carbohydrates. The premise or purpose for the diet is to allow your body to fuel off the stored fats on your body (body fat/ adipose tissue) and ketones. Ketosis is “a metabolic state characterized by raised levels of ketone bodies in the body tissues, which is typically pathological in conditions such as diabetes, or may be the consequence of a diet that is very low in carbohydrates.” The definition doesn’t jump out as something that is optimal for weight loss necessarily or even performance, but we’ve certainly heard and seen some astonishing results around this popular diet approach.
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