We are at a time in life that none of us saw coming! All of us are stuck at home balancing our traditional life with our work life. This has created an obstacle for many families, parents and even single entrepreneurs and employees. Whether you have been working from home for a while before the quarantine or you are just new to it, we are now all in the same boat!
The Covid-10lb.! No, not a new form of the virus, but something different. I’m referring to the 10lb. Many will gain through this time of quarantine. We will look back on this time and call the weight gain the “Covid-10”. Think about it for a while, you are out of your normal routine, you are now working from home, or not working which can be even worse, because let’s be honest…. #snacks. You are likely much more sedentary than ever since you don’t have to get dressed to go about your full day. And to add icing to the figurative cake, you don’t have a gym to go, so how are you supposed to stay fit and active? Through this article I hope to provide you with some simple yet effective ways to avoid the Covid-10 that the wretched Covid-19 quarantine may create.