
"Adapt what is useful, reject what is useless, and add what is specifically your own." - Bruce Lee Always be learning. There are times in our life where we can be so overcome by our current circumstance that we have...
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Our tip of the week is to watch this video and then go get the newest most delicious flavor on the market in our Mint chocolate Truffle. 22 grams of protein and deliciousness that tastes like a dessert with none...
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Intention matters. Doing something is great, but the WHY behind it is what will often dictate whether it is a true success or failure. I recently read a great quote by the Jocko Willink that goes, "If you are doing...
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It's Washboard Wednesday and that means another workout to work on those abs. For this workout, it is important to strategize your weight with your ability to do the movements unbroken. I want you to be able to keep the intensity...
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