
Life is interesting to say the least. I say that because I find myself very motivated at this time specifically in my career. I’m not currently what I would consider a competitive athlete although my entire life that is what...
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If you have :10 of free time, LET’S GO! This week our challenge is a simple yet intense :10 all out sprint on an Assault Fitness Assault Bike! This is a short challenge that will favor the big the strong...
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"Only I can change my life…” Do you believe this quote? You should, it is 100% true no matter what you believe, what you’ve gone through or what you’ve experienced in life. And even if you disagree, just because you...
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Cold showers seem so out of logic in today’s privileged society. But you’d think different if we lived many many years ago before hot water and water heaters were so accessible in everyones house. The truth is that hot water...
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