
Alarm sounds!  You hit snooze. Alarm sounds again! You hit snooze.  Alarm is still undefeated because….adulting.  This time you get up, falter through your morning routine that gets you out the door. Sadly due to the brain fog and fatigue...
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You are under recovered and flat when it comes to performance and muscle tone. Did you know that? And do you know why? I’ll be the honest one and tell you, lack of electrolytes and carbs. So many people are...
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  Different.  No, don’t aim to simply be different from others. To find real success in life, to reach elite levels, to chase uncommon rewards, you have to be willing to constantly be a different version of you.  Yes you...
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No one can want it more than you.  Whatever it is.  Whatever that one thing is that you desire. It could be a championship, money, fame, recognition, or greatness in general. Your spouse, your parents, your friends, your siblings, your...
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  Lately I’ve been really exploring the concept of “to know and be known” by those who surround me. I’m at a stage in life where it is easy to meet and greet many people, oversee what their responsibilities are,...
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