Alright folks, the CrossFit Games are here! First of all if any of you are heading to Madison then come see us! We will have a booth in Vendor Village and have great details all week long on everything from...
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Washboard Wednesday Workout:
200 toe touch planks for time! See how it's done below:
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Week 2 of our 3 week progression for HSPU! I know that this is a movement that is killing a lot of you out there in your WOD times and upper body strength. The reason I know that is because...
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Last week I was in the barbershop getting my hair cut and listened to a great lesson being taught. Many conversations happen there about sports from boxing, football and to baseball and basketball, ya know….’Merica things. But somehow the “law...
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This week's Washboard Wednesday is a little bit different from past weeks. Accumulate 2 minutes in an L-sit position using parallette bars if you have them. If you break, stop and do 30 crunch squirms - 15 per side. Watch...
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