As you probably know, not every day is a sunny day. Some days are literally just that, days. These are the moments in life that are often hard to feel motivated or excited about what we are pursuing. You may...
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10 min AMRAP:
Evil Wheel x 5 reps
Lateral Bridge Twist x 5 (each side)
Alternating Superman x 5 (each side)
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Hey guys, its common for people to just jump right to kipping muscle ups in CrossFit and to be honest it's not right. I’m saying that if you can kip a muscle up and can’t do a strict one then...
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Right here, right now is the only time we are guaranteed. How arrogant and foolish would it be of me to assume I shouldn’t do something like hug my wife, or tell her I love her because…well I guess I...
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What really is mental toughness anyways? What does it look like? Is it someone that keeps going better than you in a terrible workout? Or are they just fitter than you? How do you know if you are mentally tough?...
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