
Getting inverted is a part of CrossFit that is very unfamiliar to most of us before we start “working out for time.” The truth is that doing hand stand push ups is a weakness for many of the athletes who...
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For those of you that opened and read it, I made an introduction to Tim Farnes this weekend. He is a great friend, an owner in FNX and is leading the “Raise your Vision series” we just started. I share...
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Alright peeps, we have made into week 3 of our progressions for ring muscle ups. A big thing I want you to take away is that, you don’t need to be practicing muscle ups in their full to improve them....
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There is a good quote I know of that you should consider first. It goes something to the extent of, “Not many of you should be teachers, my friends, for you know that we who teach will be judged more harshly...
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As I said before, its common for people to just jump right to kipping muscle ups in CrossFit and to be honest it's not right. I’m saying that if you can kip a muscle up and can’t do a strict...
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