Daily Workouts
Run 25-40 minutes
Row 25-40 minutes
Ski 25-40 minutes
Bike 25-40 minutes
Walk 35-55 minutes outside
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Warm-Up https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RCalxzlW60g&feature=youtu.be 10 minute flow 5 banded or PVC Passthrough 10 Scap Push Up 10 Scape Pull Up 10 Hollow Rock 5 Air Squat 5 Over head squat 5 Overhead Squat jump WOD https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VtSLWAnKxwI&feature=youtu.be 20:00 AMRAP Ring Row x 10...
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Warm-Up - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fLChvvnWukM&feature=youtu.be 12 minute flow Walking Lunge x 25ft. Inch worm x 25ft. Bear Crawl Forward x 25ft. Bear Crawl Backward x 25ft. Lateral Bear Crawl x 25ft. Lateral Bear Crawl x 25 ft. Broad Jump x 25ft. Strength...
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Warm-Up - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s_np82kQpo4&feature=youtu.be 15 minute flow 6 Turkish Get up 6 Ring Row 12 Lateral Box step up and over 18 single unders each leg (jump rope) Strength - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HbxtPFZNYXg&feature=youtu.be EMOTM x 12 First 4 minutes are for 3 reps...
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Warm-Up - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oRqScnxcr1s&feature=youtu.be 12 minute flow 10 lateral Bridge Raise 10 Bridge Walk up 10 spartan Burpee 10 GHD Sit Up Strength - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NwtQ-cvNbPw&feature=youtu.be E:2:00 x 5 sets Push Press Execute 3 Push Press @75% of your best Push Press. If you’ve...
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